Addis Ababa October 18/2024 (ENA)High ranking military officials, who attended the First African Defense Ministers Conference ...
(኱ዜአ)ፊ áŠąá‰”á‹źáŒ”á‹« ዹዓለም አቀፍ ዚሕጻናቔ ማዕኹል ዹአፍáˆȘካ ጜህፈቔ ቀቔ(Regional Global Child Hubs) መቀመጫ ሆና መመሹጧን ዚሎቶቜ ኄና ማህበራዊ ጉዳይ ሚኒሔ቎ር áŠ áˆ”á‰łá‹ˆá‰€áą ዚሎቶቜና ...
(኱ዜአ)ፊ áŠąá‰”á‹źáŒ”á‹« á‰ á‰°á‰Łá‰ áˆ©á‰” áˆ˜áŠ•áŒáˆ”á‰łá‰” ዔርጅቔ (ተመዔ) ዚሔደተኞቜ ኹፍተኛ áŠźáˆšáˆœáŠ• ሔራ አሔፈፃሚ ኼሚቮ (UNHCR) አባል መሆኗን ዹውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒሔ቎ር áŠ áˆ”á‰łá‹ˆá‰€áą በጄኔቫ á‹šá‰°á‰Łá‰ áˆ©á‰” áˆ˜áŠ•áŒáˆ„á‰łá‰” ...
Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN, in Geneva Ambassador Tsegab Kebebew, has been elected as a Second ...
The current arms trafficking in the horn of Africa will destabilize the region by further enhancing the heinous acts of ...
A senior official of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) urged African nations to engage with Ethiopia to ...
(኱ዜአ) ፊ ዓለም አቀፍ á‹šá‰łá‹łáŒŠá‹Žá‰œ ዹሜዳ ቎ኒሔ (J30) áˆ»áˆá’á‹źáŠ“ ዛሬ በአá‹Čሔ አበባ ቎ኒሔ ክለቄ መካሄዔ ጀምሯል፱ áˆ»áˆá’á‹źáŠ“á‹áŠ• á‹šáŠąá‰”á‹źáŒ”á‹« ቎ኒሔ áŒá‹ŽáˆŹáˆœáŠ• ኹዓለም አቀፉ ቎ኒሔ áŒá‹ŽáˆŹáˆœáŠ• ጋር ...
President Taye Atske-Selassie received and held discussions with Her Royal Highness Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, the Duchess of ...
Head of Political Affairs and Counter Terrorism Focal Point for the African Union (AU), Babatunde Abayomi Taiwo commended the ...
Egypt's intervention in Somalia is posing unprecedented threat to regional stability in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopian Public ...
Ethiopia is actively working to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon amid challenging circumstances, according to Ministry of ...
(኱ዜአ):- áŠąá‰”á‹źáŒ”á‹« በ12ኛው ዹአፍáˆȘካ ዚቄሔክሌቔ áˆ»áˆá’á‹źáŠ“ ሶሔተኛውን áˆœá‹łáˆŠá‹« áŠ áŒáŠá‰łáˆˆá‰œáą ዚነሐሔ áˆœá‹łáˆŠá‹«á‹ ዹተገኘው በአዋቂዎቜ ዚዔቄልቅ ዹግል ሰዓቔ ሙኚራ ውዔዔር (TEAM TIME TRIAL ...