The effect of noise induced by gravitons on a Bose-Einstein condensate has been explored in (Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 026014; ...
HIAS, UCAS, Hangzhou and Suzhou U. Sci. Technol.
We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Workshop on Dynamics of Primordial Black Hole Formation (DPBHF2) will be held at Nagoya University. This workshop invites researchers who are conducting cutting ...
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is building LCLS-II, a new 4 GeV CW superconducting (SCRF) linac as a major upgrade of the existing LCLS. The SCRF linac consists of 35 ILC style cryomodules ...
Axion baryogenesis puts a new spin on the Hubble tension ...
Formulating the complete initial boundary value problem in numerical relativity to model black hole echoes ...
The MeerKAT radio telescope is currently in full production in South Africa's Karoo region and will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the centimeter wavelength regime in the ...
There will be about 31 lectures, each lasting about 90 minutes including time for questions. These will be complemented by parallel group discussion sessions most afternoons. There will be an evening ...
Pennsylvania U. and Vrije U., Brussels and Santa Fe Inst.
Conformal Perturbation Theory and Tachyon-Dilaton Eschatology via String Fields ...
Method to search for inspiraling planetary-mass ultra-compact binaries using the generalized frequency-Hough transform in LIGO O3a data ...
Atom-Field-Medium Interactions I: Graded Influence Actions for N N N Harmonic Atoms in a Dielectric-Altered Quantum Field ...