We are going to ease into the fracas this year, with local ballot issues and races. First up is a Q&A with the candidates in ...
The LWV of La Plata County supports embedding abortion rights into Colorado’s constitution. We feel strongly about preventing politicians and government from interfering in our most personal and ...
Bob Battani’s warning (Telegraph, Oct. 3) that we will all pay if Trump deports 11 million illegal immigrants is disingenuous. In 1942, FDR reached an agreement with Mexico to supply labor for ag ...
But most concerning to women and the men who value them, Craig stated that he “applauds the overturning of Roe v Wade.” So, while it’s sweet that the Herald “hopes he’ll respect the desires” of ...
Beck was attacked by special interests for doing the right thing. He had no support from commissioners. His boss, Bruce Gill, was similarly attacked for good research: you cannot kill lions to solve ...
And speaking of biking, there’s good news for those who are, shall we say, vertically averse. The City of Durango announced this week it is adding a new connector trail in the Twin Buttes system. The ...
I think I know the answer to the first question, as I’ve watched that same vengeful, insecure, narcissist act this way most of his adult life, especially since 2015, demeaning and insulting anyone who ...
We must recognize the differences between County Commissioner Matt Salka and his opponent Paul Black. Watching forums and reading letters to the editor reveal two very distinct candidates. I recently ...
With snow in the forecast – several feet by some predictions – locals’ minds are no doubt shifting somewhat abruptly from bikes to skis. But if the trip to the gear closet or garage found your winter ...
Strange things are afoot on the Navajo Reservation in Stanley Milford Jr.’s new book, “The Paranormal Ranger.” And by “afoot, ...
Dedicated supporters approached a nonprofit specializing in reproductive health care clinics in underserved and rural areas.
Science confidently informs Coloradans that mountain lion populations self-regulate. In layman’s terms, that means that trophy hunting is not managing their populations, and that they will not explode ...