Mauricio Figueroa summarises the key points from the SCL AI Conference hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills on 8th October.
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled in Case C-446/21 | Schrems. It said that an online social network such as Facebook cannot use all the personal data obtained for targeted ...
The CJEU has issued its ruling in Case C-548/21 | Bezirkshauptmannschaft Landeck. The Austrian police seized the mobile telephone of the recipient of a parcel following the discovery that the parcel ...
The UK National Quantum Strategy was published in 2023 and aims to “create a national and international regulatory framework that supports innovation and the ethical use of quantum technologies, and ...
A member who is entitled to attend and vote at the above-mentioned meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy, who need not be a member of the company, to attend and vote instead of him or her. Links to ...
Amanda Chaboryk and Nicholas Cook highlight the importance of reviewing your information architecture before using your data ...
The long-awaited Procurement Act is scheduled to come into force in February next year promising a more flexible regime.
The Court of Justice has ruled in Case C-264/23 | and (Deutschland) that price parity clauses cannot, in principle, be classified as “ancillary restraints” under EU competition ...
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled in the case of Case C-768/21 | Land Hessen. A German savings bank found that one of its employees had accessed a customer’s personal data on ...
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has announced its final decision following an inquiry into Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (MPIL). In March 2019, MPIL notified the DPC that it had inadvertently ...
Broadband providers must give consumers clear information about the technology that underpins their broadband service when signing up to a new deal, under new Ofcom guidance for providers that came ...