Intensified Israeli airstrikes which began on 23 September have killed hundreds and displaced an estimated 1.2 million people across Lebanon. Many displaced families are now living in 900 temporary ...
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, called on Sunday for greater international support to stem the humanitarian catastrophe engulfing Lebanon. Two weeks of deadly ...
Intensifying airstrikes have forced yet more people from their homes in Lebanon in search of safety. To date, most displacement has been internal – with Government estimates citing 1 million people ...
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling for increased and urgent attention, support, and solutions for Haitians affected by violence and insecurity, including those who have been forcibly displaced.
Recent intensified attacks across Lebanon are having devastating consequences for Lebanese and refugees living in the country ...
なぜ、世界は平和にならないのだろう。 なぜ、故郷を追われる人たちは増え続けるのだろう。 僕たちにできることは、他に何があるのだろう。 UNHCR親善大使に就任して7年、ずっと自分に ...
The following statement is attributable to Mr. Matthew Reynolds, UNHCR Representative to the United States and the Caribbean  Washington, DC – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, applauds the United States ...
Ceci est un résumé des déclarations d’Elizabeth Tan, Directrice de la protection internationale au HCR – à qui les textes cités peuvent être attribués – lors du point de presse de ce jour au Palais ...
Flooded buildings, streets covered with mud, destroyed furniture and household appliances scattered in front of houses, bulldozers and excavators removing mountains of debris. Hundreds of people ...
日本政府は、ブルキナファソでの国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)の活動に対し、総額5億8,900万円(約400万米ドル)の無償資金協力を決定しました。 ブルキナファソでは、国内の情勢不安 ...