HIAS, UCAS, Hangzhou and Suzhou U. Sci. Technol.
Identifying the Quadrupolar Nature of Gravitational Wave Background through Space-based Missions ...
Accurately Simulating the Time Evolution of an Ising Model with Echo Verified Clifford Data Regression on a Superconducting Quantum Computer ...
The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is building LCLS-II, a new 4 GeV CW superconducting (SCRF) linac as a major upgrade of the existing LCLS. The SCRF linac consists of 35 ILC style cryomodules ...
The MeerKAT radio telescope is currently in full production in South Africa's Karoo region and will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the centimeter wavelength regime in the ...
The effect of noise induced by gravitons on a Bose-Einstein condensate has been explored in (Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 026014; https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD ...
Formulating the complete initial boundary value problem in numerical relativity to model black hole echoes ...
KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP and INFN, Rome3 and Rome III U.
Caltech and Caltech, IQI and Taiwan, Natl. Tsing Hua U.
The diffraction of electromagnetic radiation by a hole small compared with the wave-length is treated theoretically. A complete solution is found satisfying Maxwell's equations and the boundary ...
Electron accelerators of the ELV type are widely used in industrial and research organizations. The high-voltage rectifier of ELV accelerator is used as a high-voltage source of the tandem accelerator ...
A beryllium "rabbit" irradiated with neutrons from the t+d reaction was transferred repeatedly to remote scintillation detectors by means of a timed pneumatic system. The spectrum of beta rays emitted ...