Donald Trump pulled out of a scheduled interview with Sixty Minutes. He only appears willing to participate in interviews with Conservative news medias like FoxNews w ...
Trump is falsely claiming the White House is diverting disaster relief aid to unrelated migrant programs. This is false, but Trump, while president, did repurpose ...
Why does Trump insist on making so many lies during National disasters? For his own benefit. It’s disgusting. And I’m a Republican.
Trump openly embraced the race science favored by Nazis. In a scattered call to right-wing host Hugh Hewitt’s show, Trump called Harris a communist and lied—again—t ...
Well the press secretary ran for it under tough questions today. There's a Trump ad that just wrote itself. Send tax dollars to a foreign country no congressional appro ...
The Stone Harbor "rant" stating that Trump and his supporters will blame the Biden/Harris team for starting the recent hurricanes. No, you are wrong. Biden and Ha ...
With all the comments about Trump with his speeches saying he is old and can't talk right. The made up stories about him with taking money and etc. He is a busin ...
Florida is getting hammered by massive hurricanes starting in the RECORD-WARM Gulf of Mexico, caused by climate change (fact!) and Gov. DeSantis has banned the words "c ...
Hillary Clinton called for the Govt to take serious action to censor digital and social media content warning the dangers leaders of govt could face if they lose contro ...
Oil companies are conveying an unlikely message to the GOP and its presidential candidate: Spare President Biden’s signature climate law. Big oil is all in for the Bide ...
Something seriously troubling has happened to the Republican Party. It’s become filled with wacko candidates for office who are being supported by large percentages of ...
Trying desperately to stay relevant Hillary Clinton said she wants social media to censor or we lose “total control” Really? At least her husband was funny, b ...